Message in a candle container by Ecocandle Project

 About our new project  “ Message in a candle “

How romantic, nice and unexpected is to see a surprise message appearing in a burning candle? It’s such a lovely thing that we decided to do our own version.

As always we put our efforts to find the best solution in the market for a project like this.

First and foremost let’s not forget that a candle is a burning system with an open flame. The end user should follow the recommendations issued by the manufacturers and compulsory by law, that are always placed in the candle container and use , as well his common sense.  

According to the basic rules and for the safety of the user foreign objects or materials should never be added to the candle as these materials could catch fire unless stated otherwise.

Flowers, plastics, papers are very commonly used and very much appreciated by the end user but are likely to catch fire.

If so how to achieve an acceptable system , what to use to create a message in a candle  ? Were we able to face this challenge ? 

We looked for the expertise in this area . And we came up with a result.

In this project we are using a very special type of “paper “.

 It’s a flame retardant paper certified M1 according to DIN EN 13501 (e.g. for all flame-retardant building materials) have been introduced, which will replace the current German standards for flame-retardant materials A2 according to DIN 4102-1 and the French standard M2 according to DIN NF P 92-503-507

So it means that if this paper catches fire it will self-extinguish in very few seconds.  The material must not burn for more than five seconds, nothing must fall off and the original size must be retained. Then it achieves the coveted M1 result, which is highly regarded throughout the world.

Decoration materials must also be at least flame-retardant in accordance with DIN 4102 or DIN EN 13501-1

 It is about a 80 g/sqm heavy white paper with considerable tear resistance.

As per definition the so-called flame retardants are modified substances in such a way that they are or become fire-resistant  or flame retardant.

 Flame retardants (or fire retardants) are substances that restrict, slow down or prevent the spread of fires. Flame retardants are used wherever there are potential ignition sources, e.g. in electronic equipment (electrical short-circuit), building materials, decorative materials, upholstered furniture, carpets and similar. Here you will find application examples.

The technical term “flame-retardant” describes the building material class B1 according to DIN 4102-1 of basically flammable products, which, however, are self-extinguishing – i.e. do not continue to burn automatically. The DIN 4102-1 standard classifies building materials and components on the basis of their fire behavior and prescribes proof for all materials, including textiles or paper, which are not listed in Part 4 of the standard.

We tested several complete candles with this solution, burned for long hours and everything looked fine.

If the end user uses all the precautions regarding burning candles and follow the instructions we use in all candles we believe that this solution adds no additional risk. We only made tests in vegetal candles. We didn’t test in paraffin candles.


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