€7,50 EUR
Single ply wooden wick with word MOM written on top
Wooden wicks create a unique horizontal flame. In larger diameter candles, wooden wicks can produce a full melt pool with only one wick eliminating the need to use multiple wicks (in most cases). Wooden wicks create an alluring crackling sound when burning for added ambiance. Being rigid, wooden wicks are very easy to use, saving time and money in production. There is no need to secure a wick bar or dowels and no straightening is needed as there is with cotton wicks, which require a great deal of time to set up. Wooden wicks do not mushroom and have little to no carbon build-up, no debris, and no sooting. Wooden wicks provide a modern, unique, and more upscale look to enhance a candle’s value.
>> Wicks are sold without metal holders. You can buy them here.
Dark Natural wick with a thickness of 1 mm, a width of 15.9 mm, and 79.4 mm.
Brown wood can discolor waxes due to a high level of natural tannins.
Advantages :
Brown wood can discolor waxes due to a high level of natural tannins. The crackling sound, the hotter burning, and the darker color of the wood, which can stain the wax, are caused by tannin, a naturally occurring substance in wood that is accumulated by some trees. Tannins are phenolic compounds of plant origin, which have many hydroxy groups, which accumulate in various parts of the plant - bark, wood, leaves, and fruit.
As a distributor of Lumetique's wooden wick technology, we have an obligation to ensure that any and all licensees are marking their covered products and providing constructive notice to the public that the product is patented. As such, you will be required to mark any products made using our wooden wicks with a patent mark.
All candle products (whether a wooden wick, candle, box, hang-tag or another form of packaging) must be consistently and always marked as being covered by the applicable patents and patents pending.
Mark the candle product itself with the following patent marking:
Pat. www.lumetique.com/patents
Wicks are sold without metal holders. Those are quoted as accessories separately
According to the manufacturer
Indicative inner diameters for wooden wicks „Lumetique Crackling Wick with soy or rapeseed /coconut in container candles as a starting point
Fragrance oil content and type can change the burning diameter of the wick, e. g. the wick therefore will burn weaker or stronger. We recommend that you carry out a burning test first
Unlike conventional cotton wick holders, wooden wick holders can be reused because they are not deformed when the wick is attached to them. You can reuse them so buy only as many holders as you need and reuse the available ones.
Wooden wicks do not self-trim - if the flame becomes too tall after burning for 4 hours, it is time to trim Your wick.
It is advisable to use 6% of fragrance oil concentration to wax mass in order to avoid any side effects of the burning process (when the flame is too high, too many black specs in the wax, wax is burning too fast, poor hot throw of the fragrance oil, very hot jar that is impossible to touch).
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